Oh, Calm Down Review

Written by Beth for Theatre and Tonic.

Disclaimer: Gifted tickets in return for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

Written by Charlotte Anne-Tilley, Oh, Calm Down is a heartfelt drama with two storylines running parallel. It's 1999 and Lucy (Maddy Banks) is about to have her baby, grappling with how best to keep them both safe. It's 2024; Claire (Charlotte Anne-Tilley) is an art student who can't stop having panic attacks and dwelling on mortality.

As we see the characters spiral, it becomes evident that both Lucy and Claire have OCD, but misdiagnosis and ignorance regarding types of OCD are rife. A complex and beautiful play develops, calling into question preconceptions about OCD and challenging presumptions.

Both actors did a phenomenal job switching seamlessly between their protagonist roles and supporting parts for the others storyline; at no point did this web of characters feel confusing or messy. The mannerisms, attitude and style they each brought to every single role is incomparable to any other show.

Oh, Calm Down is an incredible, eye-opening play which I feel very privileged to have seen.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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