Interview: Mitch Hara, Mutant Olive

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024 we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Mitch Hara about their piece Mutant Olive.

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far:

While i was pole dancing in NYC & studying with Al Pacino in the famed Actors Studio, I was called to Hollywood to become a star. I'm still waiting. On my journey, I did 12 indie films, multiple Guest Stars, a rehab, 15 plays & numerous TV pilots. The last pilot, "I Run Hot" with Ilana Glazer (Broad City, Babes) for ABC, bombed. I was amazing, it wasn't. Apparently, I'm a cross between Robin Williams, Philip Seymore Hoffman & Kate McKinnon if she had a penis.

I've either worked or had sex with John Tavolta, Ilana Glazer, Joe Manganiello, Colton Haynes, Marlon Wayans, Maura Tierney, Susan Luccci, Sally Kirkland, John Savage, Angela Lansbury, Doris Roberts, Karen Black, and half of NYC. 

What is your show about?

Well, my parents were speed-freak alcoholics & in the mafia. So, my childhood was really colorful. My mom was banging everybody in the neighborhood and my father was shooting people in the head. And, you become what you see. So, I’m a little slutty and if you piss me off, I could hit you with my car! This is a personal journey. It all takes place in an audition. for Hamilton "unplugged". There's no 4th wall so you are part of my show. I can't do it without you. It's all about no matter what we've been through and the bullshit from parents, peers, society telling you who you should be and saying,” Fuck you all. This is me” and celebrating whoever that is! I'm your designated drunk driver. Hop in mutherfuckers. This is a ride you'll never forget.  

What was the inspiration for the title: Mutant Olive 2.0 and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

The title, MUTANT OLIVE comes from a pivotal episode when my character finally rebels against my suppressive, emotionally challenged father. It always gets massive applause.

The show started as an exercise in an acting class. "Create a personal monologue." So, I brought in some hysterical, horrifying, heart-wrenching events from my life, 12 characters & bald-faced threw all my shit on stage. My then director/mentor said, "I don't care what else you do in your life, you must produce this show. You are the most unique person I've ever met, directed or taught."

So, I grabbed my director/Carlyle King and kept working it. I've done it in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Chicago, NYC, winning multiple awards and insanely great reviews. What you're seeing is several years of development and growth and my insatiable need to be honest and push the envelope right off the fucking table. Nothing is secret. My life. My baggage. My insanity. My sex, drugs, blackouts & blowjobs. I love doing this show!!!  

What made you want to take Mutant Olive 2.0 to the Fringe..

Well, it's an artist’s Burning Man! Friends said, its life changing. And my producers came to my sold-out run in Hollywood and said, "Your show is a cross between FLEABAG & BABY REINDEER. You'd kill in Edinburgh. They'd love you." I said, "I love to be loved. I'm already packed." Boom baby, here I come. Love me. Touch me. Celebrate me. Talk about me. Plus, I'm single. So, if you see me on the street and you see anything you like? Feel free to touch it. I love you. 

Why book MUTANT OLIVE 2.0 (Mommy’s a Whore, Daddy’s a Hitman)?

 You know that thing, that's haunted you, that you didn't have the courage to show up for? That thing you knew would change you on a cellular level in profound ways, you couldn't even explain? Well, if you miss this opportunity to be enlightened by this insanely original, side-splitting, magical trip -- your life will be less bright and you will have a black hole in your heart for eternity. But darlins, that choice is yours.   

Besides seeing your show. Mutant Olive 2.0. What’s your top tip for coming to the fringe.

As a Virgin Fringe-er. When I hear “top” “tip” and “coming” it reminds me of a date I had last Saturday night. Seriously, I think being surrounded by 3000ish shows and the people who love and support them has got to be a mind-blowing, magical ride. My motto is: I never wait for anybody to give me permission to create. And to be embraced by like-minded people will be other worldly. Let’s just strap ourselves in and be ready for the experience! I’m so excited I’m vibrating!!

When and where can people see Mutant Olive 2.0?

I’ll be performing at the extraordinary GILDED BALLOON – Nip from July 31-Aug 25th 13:40 (1:40pm)


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