Lee and the Black Hole, Mickey Tron Review

Written by Beth for Theatre and Tonic.

Disclaimer: Gifted tickets in return for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

Lee and the Black Hole is a one-woman workshop by Mickey Tron. Lee has always dreamt of being an astronaut, and finally gets her wish to explore black holes, but what about who's left to deal with the metaphorical black hole she leaves behind? Questioning what it means to give up your dreams for love, the girl who loved Lee is left behind to tell us her story.

Mickey Tron gives a powerfully raw performance of sacrificing everything for what feels like true love only to be left with nothing after they're gone.

With a stripped back set, there is nothing for Mickey Tron to hide behind. And hide she doesn't. All emotions laid bare, this is a beautiful love story gone awry and a wonderful addition to the Fringe.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


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