INTERVIEW | Adèle Anderson, NUL Points

Join this hilarious rollercoaster of a journey over 5 Eurovision Parties – 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2022 as Josh bestows his guests with Bucks Fizz, Euro-V trivia and games of  Eurovision truth or dare. Join superfan NUL Points is performing at Union Theatre until 20 May.

Our founder Emmie caught up with Adèle Anderson about this new production. 

Nul Points is a new Eurovision comedy - can you tell us a little bit about the show?

Nul Points is a play about three drama school graduates and their changing relationship over a decade. We catch up with them on several different Eurovision finals nights.

What attracted you to want to work on Martin Blackburn’s production?

Martin's script is very funny but also very moving. Also, it gives me a chance to work with my good friend and near-neighbour, Sean Huddlestan.

Are you a fan of Eurovision yourself and can you translate that into your performance? 

I am not a fan, but I'm not not a fan. Our 21-year-old stage manager, Alex, knows everything about Eurovision, going way back from before he was born and his enthusiasm has inspired us all.

What has the rehearsal process been like for this show that is unlike any you have worked on before?

Every script is different and every director has their own method of working. An actor's job is to be open and ready to work in whatever format is required.

READ: Our Review of NUL Points, Union Theatre ★ ★ ★

Who is your character in Nul Points and what has been your favourite part of bringing them alive from the script?

My character, Gina Tyler, is the mother of Joshua, who hosts the various Eurovision parties. She loves him but is very overbearing. Somehow it comes quite naturally to me!

What can people expect from this production? 
Laughter, tears and everything in between.

There’s a party organised for the Eurovision final night which will be great fun after seeing the production! Can you tell us a little bit about that..

Our play will start at an earlier time. Afterwards, everybody - audience and cast - will congregate in the bar to watch the final on a bank of LED screens. Do come dressed up if you wish.

For those who are interested in seeing Nul Points, why should they book their tickets?

You should book to see Nul Points (and not just on the finals night) because it is a funny and touching play about love, lust, friendship, parenthood and loss, with wonderful performances from a very talented young cast. Oh yes, and I'm in it, too. We look forward to seeing you all.



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