Philadanco #LDIF2017, Leicester

It's not everyday you are able to see an international dance company transform the space into movement which is captivating and preserves the African American traditions in dance. Philadanco is a company which was founded back in 1970, creating an innovation in merging dance styles including classical ballet and modern dance whilst maintaining this nod to African American traditions. In their performance they treated us to a thrilling mix of acclaimed work from their repertoire with 4 different pieces to perform to us. 

Between the Lines choreographed by Francisco Gella, which illustrates the architectural flare of the human body with more than a hint of romanticism. It draws on influences from the classical characteristics. From the beginning each individual dancer brings to the stage flare, execution in the movement and high levels of energy; at points you could even witness the sweat on the dancer's head as they moved through challenging and very precise choreography. I could really witness their beautiful technique in this piece with their movement extending right out to the fingers and toes of every dancer. 

Super 8! choreographed by Ray Mercer acknowledges everyday experiences and relationships, from romantic love to bonds between brothers, showing us the importance of community. This piece really saw us experience how each body shifts and lifts one another in the space, with their emotion reaching their facial expressions as much as the movements. I thought this was piece was really enjoyable as we didn't experience just one experience but different ones in a short space of time with different dancers.

Movement for 5 is choreographed by Dawn Marie Bazemore and is inspired by events in Harlem back in 1989, when events surrounding 'The Central Park Five' resulted in false accusing and imprisoning of five young men for 14 years.  There is a definite sense of history behind this piece, every movement was very strong and the dancers were clearly moved by the main thread of their choreography. The dancers knew how to fill the space with their artistic flare and energy from beginning to end of the piece.

and finally, Enemy behind the Gates choreographed by Christopher L. Huggins. This final piece of the evening was inspired by the idea of enemies within our midst. Who is the enemy and who is the friend? I loved the energy and thrill within this piece, their movement was particularly strong in this piece. I think this piece showcased the best of their movement repertoire and energy. 

Philadanco are definitely an imaginative, gorgeous and thrilling dance company who showcase some of the best African American traditions in dance that really enhance their heritage. Their lighting design really helping to enhance and bring to life every piece of work comfortably.


Saint Pauls House, Birmingham


STOMP | Ambassadors Theatre, London